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Coil-on-Plug Patent
# 6,374,816

Capacitor Ignition Cables




Capacitor Based Ignition Technology

This extremely cost-effective and patented technology improves the combustion efficiency of coil-on-plug ignition systems, as currently used on a multitude of engines and has tremendous OEM appeal.

Most modern automobiles use an ignition system design referred to as coil-on-plug. Such a system makes it extremely difficult to increase the performance of the ignition system. Since the ignition system is responsible for combustion initiation and a clean combustion, the capacitor technology has tremendous potential. It is an extremely cost effective solution to reduce the emissions of gasoline engines, while improving the performance and fuel economy.

For more information on this revolutionary patented technology go to:

1. The Influence of a Capacitor Based Ignition System on
    Thermodynamics and Improvements in Performance and Efficiency

2. Emissions Reduction on Engines with Modern Coil-on-plug Ignition

3. Visual representation of the Capacitor Based Ignition performance

Capacitor Ignition Wires for Natural Gas Engines

Most ignition systems on natural gas engines are weak and cannot assure ignition under all operating conditions. This hurts fuel consumption, power and emissions. Furthermore, frequent replacement of low-quality ignition wires and the associated downtime is a big expense.

Capacitor Based Ignition Wires assure combustion initiation and low cycle-to-cycle variation in lean burn natural gas engines beyond Lambda 1.6. 

Omnitek offers high-quality capacitor based spark plug wires that assure combustion initiation and reduces replacement frequency of spark plugs and ignition wires. The technology is licensed from Nology Engineering, Inc. (www.nology.com/hot.html)
-- Visual representation of the Capacitor Based Ignition performance --


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