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  Diesel-to-Natural Gas Engine Conversions

  Conversión de Motores Diesel-a-Gas Natural

  Umrüstung von Dieselmotoren auf Erdgas

  Dönüşüm Dizel Motor e Doğalgaz




New Engine or Engine Conversion?   

Diesel exhaust emissions are a major source of pollution in most urban centers around the world. Trucks, buses, generators and ships burn millions of gallons of diesel fuel daily. Many countries are looking to alternative fuels to reduce diesel exhaust emissions and to reduce energy costs. As the price of crude oil continues to increase, the use of alternative fuels becomes increasingly economical.

Compressed natural gas (CNG) has emerged as a perfect solution to the problems of high oil prices and high exhaust emissions.  Readily available in many countries from indigenous sources, it is clean burning and in some countries natural gas costs only 1/3rd the price of diesel fuel.

Some countries have large reserves of natural gas but no technology to use it as an engine fuel. Converting diesel engines to natural gas would decrease the dependency on imported fuel and help utilize abundant natural gas resources.

Omnitek is offering two options: 1) Omnitek may work with local companies in an effort to convert high polluting diesel engines to clean burning natural gas, or 2) supply new natural gas engines.

      -- Under Solution #1, Omnitek will supply engineering support for a small per-vehicle royalty. The diesel engines are converted/rebuild to natural gas locally. This offers an economic benefit and boost to the local economy. (Converting engines from diesel to natural gas requires expertise and may result in engine downtime.)

      -- Under Solution #2, Omnitek will supply new low-polluting natural gas engines in 4 and 6 cylinder configurations. This may be the best option when the existing engines are based on old and outdated technology and when long downtimes are not acceptable. Omnitek will help with the installation and service support. Engines can also be supplied to local natural gas truck and bus manufacturers.

Diesel Engine Conversions:

Suggested engine modifications to assure engine reliability, optimized power, low fuel consumption and emissions may include optimizing compression ratio, engine cooling and engine lubrication. A properly modified engine can make the same power as the base diesel engine.


May need to improve cooling system efficiency
May need engine oil cooler
May need new valves, valve seats, guides and seals
May need new pistons and rings
Engine compression must be lowered
Ignition system must be installed
Cylinder head modifications are needed to install spark plugs


*          A detailed project evaluation and thorough inspection of the engines is required
prior to purchase order acceptance.

*          Not all diesel engines can be cost effectively converted. Some engines require a great amount of mechanical changes to operate reliably. Some converted engines can not be tuned to the strictest emission standards.   

Please fill out the Pre-evaluation Form for each type of engine.
 Industrial Stationary/Generators

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